But volatility is a two-edged blade: it could take only one blowout quarter from Facebook ( FB) to send its stock rocketing back toward its$ 38 A share offering price. 但是,不稳定是一把双刃剑:也许只需要一个满堂红季度,Facebook股票就可以像坐火箭一般,一下涨至其发行价38美元每股。
All OpenTable needs is an exceptionally strong quarter to reverse the stock decline. 要扭转股价下跌之势,OpenTable需要的是一个特别强劲的季度业绩。
And a good portion of that expense, about a quarter, was the cost of handing out stock options. 上季度,它研发开支的相当一部分被用于支付公司股票期权。
Relative to last quarter, managers became substantially more bearish on many areas of the stock and bond market. 与上个季度接受调查时的观点相比,经理们对股市和债市诸多领域的悲观看法显著加强。
Twitter was due to announce its earnings for the first quarter of the year after close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange, where the company is listed. Twitter是纽约证交所上市公司,本应在纽约证交所股市收盘时发布第一季度的财报的。
During the second quarter, Ford completed a series of actions that reduced its debt by$ 10.1 billion, and also raised$ 1.6 billion by issuing new stock. 在第二季度,福特通过采取一系列的举措将债务削减了101亿美元,还通过发行新股筹集了16亿美元。
For example, the SEC has brought at least one case in which a trader allegedly swooped in near the end of the final trading day of a quarter to keep a falling stock from declining even further. 比方说,SEC至少提出过一次有关交易员涉嫌在季末最后一个交易日结束前不久大量买进股票,以阻止股票进一步下跌的指控。
Liquidity shortfalls often arise around the end of each quarter and during public holidays, such as the Golden Week break, while stock market listings and changes to bank regulation could exacerbate the problem this year, she added. 她补充说,流动性短缺往往发生在季度末前后和黄金周等公众假期期间,而今年股票上市以及银行监管规则变化可能加剧这个问题。
The increases in local banks 'reserve ratios did not prevent the industry making new loans of$ 180bn in the first quarter, almost half the total for all of 2006. And the bite-sized rises in interest rates have clearly failed to curtail the stock market frenzy. 尽管多次提高国内银行的存款准备金率,但银行业第一季度新增贷款仍高达1800亿美元,几乎是2006年全年水平的一半。此外,利率的小幅提高显然未能阻止股市狂热。
The shares, though, are down a quarter this year, the worst-performing integrated oil and gas stock globally. 然而,该公司的股价今年以来却下跌了四分之一,在全球油气综合类股中表现最糟。
Global financial markets closed out a buoyant first quarter yesterday, with some stock indices enjoying their biggest rally since 2009. 全球金融市场昨日结束了牛气十足的第一季度,有些股指出现2009年以来最大涨幅。
The first quarter of this year – in spite of a dearth of stock market listings and limited merger and acquisition activity – has seen some recovery as bond issuance has soared and sales and trading of currency, interest rates and securities products have picked up. 尽管新股上市数量很少、并购活动有限,但今年第一季度已经有了些起色,这是因为债券发行活动剧增,汇率、利率和证券产品的销售与交易也活跃起来。
Art prices plunged during the first quarter as cash-strapped collectors looked to unload works by post-war masters that had boomed along with the stock market earlier in the decade. 艺术品价格今年第一季度出现暴跌,囊中羞涩的收藏家开始出售本世纪初曾随股市同步上涨的战后大师的作品。
Assets under management more than tripled in the first three quarters of 2007, but the growth almost petered out in the last quarter of the year, Z-Ben research said, as the stock market changed direction. 上海咨奔的报告显示,2007年前3个季度,基金公司管理的资产增加了两倍有余,但在第四季度,随着股市走向转变,资产增长几乎消失殆尽。
While revised gross domestic product figures for the January-March quarter, to be unveiled tomorrow, are expected to show the economy remained anaemic, in the past few months the stock market has enjoyed a rally that has even seasoned investors scratching their heads. 第一季度国内生产总值(GDP)修正数据将于明日公布,预计该数据将显示,经济仍处于疲弱状态。过去几个月,股市经历了一轮反弹,即便是老练的投资者也摸不着头脑。
He did what a CEO should: Hired and inspired great people; managed for the long term, not the quarter or the short-term stock price; made big bets and took big risks. 他做了一个CEO应该做的事:录用并激励优秀人才;着眼于长远而非某个季度的短期股指;敢赌敢输。
The stronger-than-expected economy, which grew by 11.9 per cent in the second quarter, a booming stock market and an above-trend growth in money supply, fuelled by record monthly trade surpluses, are all adding to concerns that the economy could be overheating. 中国经济增长强于预期(第二季度增长11.9%),再加上股市红火、创纪录的月度贸易顺差导致货币供应量超趋势增长,都增添了经济可能过热的担忧。
In the first quarter, Batu's share price gained momentum hitting record highs, up from Shs780 at the start of the year, as a result of improved investor confidence in the stock. 在第一季度,由于投资者对股票的信心增加,英美烟草乌干达公司的股票价格获得了动力,达到了创纪录的高价,从年初的780先令一路上涨。
Amazon beat both top and bottom line expectations as it posted second quarter earnings after the bell on Tuesday, sending its stock through the roof despite a drop in net income. 亚马逊(Amazon)在周二收盘后公布了第二季度业绩,营收及利润均超出外界预期。尽管其净利润下滑,但受整体业绩提振,该股在盘后交易大幅上扬。
Since the third quarter of 2002, our securities department begins to discuss introducing QFII to our A stock market. It seems that QFII is just before the threshold. 2002年下半年以来,我国证券监管部门开始展开在我国证券市场引入外国合格机构投资者(QFII)的讨论,QFII制度大有山雨欲来风满楼之势。
We apply economic metrology to establish quarter closing quotation index impact model of Chinese stock market, reflecting quantity relationship among micro economy, stock market diffusion, operation growth, interest change, and stock index. 中国股市没有反映中国经济的增长强势。我们运用经济计量学的方法建立中国股市季度收盘指数冲击模型,反映宏观经济、股市扩容、业绩成长、利率变动与股票指数间的数量关系。
On the Study of Quarter Impact Model Chinese Stock Market 中国股市季度冲击模型研究